Bubble Girl in Paris - 2014
Family during the Persian New Year, Kashan, Iran - 2008
Boy in Market, Shiraz, Iran - 2008
Rider in the Black Rock Desert - 2012
Twin Peaks, San Francisco - 2013
Boy in Nam Song River, Laos - 2008
Victims of the Khmer Rouge, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2008
Children in Jodhpur, India - 2008
Young Boater, Varanasi, India - 2008
Cleric, Erzurum, Turkey - 2008
Tea Seller, Jaipur, India - 2008
Boy in Alley, Yazd, Iran - 2008
Kids Racing - Colombo, Sri Lanka - 2017
Boy with brother, Dalbandin, Pakistan - 2008
Woman in Snow, Erzurum, Turkey - 2008
Sisters in Doorway, Jodhpur, India - 2012
Man in Jaipur, India - 2008
Riders in Arizona - 2010
Rick and his dad, Dick Hoyt - Boston Marathon - 1982
Tea Seller, Shekawati, India - 2010
Boys in Jodhpur, India - 2008
Blacksmith. Jaisalmer, India - 2010
Sweets Seller, Beijing - 2009
Boys Playing, Jaipur, India - 2008
Muslim Cleric, Xian, China - 2009
Abattoir, Mumbai - 2011
Boy in Beijing - 2009
Monk at Wat Ounalom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2011
Man in Jaipur, India - 2008
Holi Festival, Mumbai - 2013
Boston - 1983
The Black Rock Desert, Nevada - 2011
Girl on Martha's Vineyard - Summer 1982
Monk at Wat Ounalom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2011
Portrait of my Son, San Francisco - 2012
Boston - 1982
Boater on the Ganges, Varanasi, India - 2008
Halloween in Hollywood - 2007
Young Man, Amber, India - 2008
Man in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan - 2020
My Daughter - London, 2015
Boston band The Tax Collectors - 1982
Man in Nepal - 2019
Young Monks - Chiang Mai - 1999
Girl in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada - 2014
Siobhan - Paris 2022
Woman in Jodhpur, India - 2010
Boy with a hydrant - Dorchester, Boston - Summer - 1982
Shepherd in Ladakh, India - 2018
Shekawati, India - 2014
Studio Work, Boston - 1983
Portrait of my Daughter - the Berlin Wall - 2014
Break Dancers - Boston - 1982
Taliban Drug Runners, Balochistan, Pakistan - 2008
Studio Work - Boston - 1983
My mother mourning my dying father - 2014
Bubble Girl in Paris - 2014
Bubble Girl in Paris - 2014

Bubble Girl in Paris - 2014

Family during the Persian New Year, Kashan, Iran - 2008
Family during the Persian New Year, Kashan, Iran - 2008

One of my favourite fotos. The family projects curiosity, modesty and disdain toward the American.

Boy in Market, Shiraz, Iran - 2008
Boy in Market, Shiraz, Iran - 2008
Rider in the Black Rock Desert - 2012
Rider in the Black Rock Desert - 2012
Twin Peaks, San Francisco - 2013
Twin Peaks, San Francisco - 2013
Boy in Nam Song River, Laos - 2008
Boy in Nam Song River, Laos - 2008

Victims of the Khmer Rouge, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2008
Victims of the Khmer Rouge, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2008

The Killings Fields of Cambodia leave an indelible mark on all who visit.

Children in Jodhpur, India - 2008
Children in Jodhpur, India - 2008
Young Boater, Varanasi, India - 2008
Young Boater, Varanasi, India - 2008

My best friend for a morning on the Ganges. Kuran, the boater's son.

Cleric, Erzurum, Turkey - 2008
Cleric, Erzurum, Turkey - 2008

I stopped him in a snowstorm to ask for his foto.

Tea Seller, Jaipur, India - 2008
Tea Seller, Jaipur, India - 2008
Boy in Alley, Yazd, Iran - 2008
Boy in Alley, Yazd, Iran - 2008
Kids Racing - Colombo, Sri Lanka - 2017
Kids Racing - Colombo, Sri Lanka - 2017

Boy with brother, Dalbandin, Pakistan - 2008
Boy with brother, Dalbandin, Pakistan - 2008

A glimmer of happiness in a dangerous and desperately impoverished place.

Woman in Snow, Erzurum, Turkey - 2008
Woman in Snow, Erzurum, Turkey - 2008

She rushed to clear my shot. She didn't realise she made it.

Sisters in Doorway, Jodhpur, India - 2012
Sisters in Doorway, Jodhpur, India - 2012

They emerged from their blue-washed house to talk to the stranger.

Man in Jaipur, India - 2008
Man in Jaipur, India - 2008

This gent was kind enough to share his dinner with me.

Riders in Arizona - 2010
Riders in Arizona - 2010

My father at the front of the pack leading his three sons.

Rick and his dad, Dick Hoyt - Boston Marathon - 1982
Rick and his dad, Dick Hoyt - Boston Marathon - 1982

Dick Hoyt first pushed his son, who is quadriplegic and has cerebral palsy, along the 26.2-mile marathon route in 1980. This was shot during the 3rd of the 32 Boston Marathons they completed together. Dick died in 2021. Rick died 2 years later.

Tea Seller, Shekawati, India - 2010
Tea Seller, Shekawati, India - 2010
Boys in Jodhpur, India - 2008
Boys in Jodhpur, India - 2008
Blacksmith. Jaisalmer, India - 2010
Blacksmith. Jaisalmer, India - 2010

His steely blue sheen prompted me to retain this as a colour image.

Sweets Seller, Beijing - 2009
Sweets Seller, Beijing - 2009
Boys Playing, Jaipur, India - 2008
Boys Playing, Jaipur, India - 2008

The battle to be in the shot didn't faze the camel.

Muslim Cleric, Xian, China - 2009
Muslim Cleric, Xian, China - 2009
Abattoir, Mumbai - 2011
Abattoir, Mumbai - 2011

A Saturday stroll during a business trip led me to this slaughterhouse.

Boy in Beijing - 2009
Boy in Beijing - 2009

He was distracted from a fight with his sister long enough to smile for me. She used the opportunity to eat his candy.

Monk at Wat Ounalom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2011
Monk at Wat Ounalom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2011
Man in Jaipur, India - 2008
Man in Jaipur, India - 2008

He shared stories of his time as an administrator for the city.

Holi Festival, Mumbai - 2013
Holi Festival, Mumbai - 2013

I was more covered with dye than they were.

Boston - 1983
Boston - 1983

Shot with Hasselblad 500 c/m and 80mm Zeiss Planar on Ilford FP4

The Black Rock Desert, Nevada - 2011
The Black Rock Desert, Nevada - 2011
Girl on Martha's Vineyard - Summer 1982
Girl on Martha's Vineyard - Summer 1982

Shot with Hasselblad 500 c/m and 80mm Zeiss Planar on Ilford FP4

Monk at Wat Ounalom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2011
Monk at Wat Ounalom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2011
Portrait of my Son, San Francisco - 2012
Portrait of my Son, San Francisco - 2012
Boston - 1982
Boston - 1982

Shot with Nikon F3

Boater on the Ganges, Varanasi, India - 2008
Boater on the Ganges, Varanasi, India - 2008
Halloween in Hollywood - 2007
Halloween in Hollywood - 2007
Young Man, Amber, India - 2008
Young Man, Amber, India - 2008
Man in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan - 2020
Man in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan - 2020
My Daughter - London, 2015
My Daughter - London, 2015

Shot with Hasselblad 500 c/m and 150mm Zeiss Planar lens on Ilford FP4 film.

Boston band The Tax Collectors - 1982
Boston band The Tax Collectors - 1982

Shot in studio with Hasselblad 500c/m and Zeiss Planar 80mm

Man in Nepal - 2019
Man in Nepal - 2019
Young Monks - Chiang Mai - 1999
Young Monks - Chiang Mai - 1999

Shot with Fuji 6×9 on Ilford FP4 film.

Girl in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada - 2014
Girl in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada - 2014
Siobhan - Paris 2022
Siobhan - Paris 2022

Shot with Hasselblad 500 c/m and 150mm Zeiss Planar lens on Ilford HP5 film.

Woman in Jodhpur, India - 2010
Woman in Jodhpur, India - 2010
Boy with a hydrant - Dorchester, Boston - Summer - 1982
Boy with a hydrant - Dorchester, Boston - Summer - 1982
Shepherd in Ladakh, India - 2018
Shepherd in Ladakh, India - 2018
Shekawati, India - 2014
Shekawati, India - 2014
Studio Work, Boston - 1983
Studio Work, Boston - 1983

Shot with Hasselblad 500 c/m and 80mm Zeiss Planar lens on Ilford FP4 film.

Portrait of my Daughter - the Berlin Wall - 2014
Portrait of my Daughter - the Berlin Wall - 2014
Break Dancers - Boston - 1982
Break Dancers - Boston - 1982
Taliban Drug Runners, Balochistan, Pakistan - 2008
Taliban Drug Runners, Balochistan, Pakistan - 2008
Studio Work - Boston - 1983
Studio Work - Boston - 1983

Shot with Hasselblad 500 c/m and 80mm Zeiss Planar lens on Ilford FP4 film.

My mother mourning my dying father - 2014
My mother mourning my dying father - 2014

I sit on the other side of an obscured window pane, helpless to alter his demise or my mother’s anguish.